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What We Do

From Vision through Community Engagement to Systemic Change

We offer a number of educational events, designed to engage community members, elements of MCPS, education advocates, and/or the political establishment.

Our current focus is on an initiative - in collaboration with the Equity in Education Coalition of Montgomery County (EEC) -- to end the practice of sending out letters to parents of students about to enter grade 3 stating that their children are "Gifted and Talented" (or not).  The letter is a direct result of the Grade 2 Global Screening (G2GS) process that MCPS continues to employ, despite its negative effects.  This initiative (to end the practice of including the "Label" in this letter) is a focussed extension of our long-standing "No Labels, No Limits" campaign.  We have prepared and distributed research studies and educational materials about the negative aspects of the labelling letter to community groups, churches, etc.  As the Board of Education (BoE) completes its consideration of proposed revisions to Policy IOA (Gifted and Talented Education), our "No Labels" campaign has encouraged multiple organizations and community members to contact the BoE and express their concerns.

If you would like to help with this campaign, you can access some useful tools by clicking here.